Thursday, July 18, 2013

I Am Trayvon Martin

The following story is from a young man's post I read on fb. His story is encouraging for those countless black males who are either going through or who have made it out of their teen years.

The picture on the left was taken when I was 17 years old, had just graduated from high school, and really didn't know what I wanted to do with my life. Based on my appearance in this picture, you probably would have labeled me a thug or a trouble maker. I only graduated in the top 50% of my class and I took my ACT 4 times. A promising future in college doesn't look too well at this point does it?

But at age 17 (Trayvon's age when murdered), I didn't realize how much I would be judged and stereotyped for the clothes I wore and my physical appearance. Two months after that picture on the left was taken, I entered college and quickly realized that I wasn't pushing myself to be the best I can be. I hardly studied in high school but as as freshman in college I began to study daily. As a matter of fact, I did so well that I was able to participate in a summer medical internship at Yale University. I then went on to graduate from Prairie View A&M University Magna Cum Laude and in two weeks I will be attending Texas A&M Health Science College of Medicine to become a medical doctor.

The picture on the right is where I am now just four years later at the age of 21. The reason I am sharing this with you is because I COULD HAVE BEEN TRAYVON MARTIN!!! The defense team could have gone onto the internet and found pictures of me that were similar to Trayvon's pictures and characterized me as a thug. They would have then portrayed me as the aggressor and as a result it lead to my death. If that would have happened, then I would not have had the opportunity to reach my true calling, which is a medical doctor. My White Coat ceremony is in four days and it marks the next step in my journey. I could have been laying in a casket with a black suit, instead of of being in a white coat trying to save lives.

When I was 17, no one would have imagined that I would be doing so well and on my way to medical school. Who is to say that could not have happened to Trayvon Martin if he was still alive? He could have been the next doctor, lawyer, engineer, teacher ,etc.

My prayers go out to his family and friends.

Please share my story so people can be more conscious of their racial profiling. Everyone has the potential, as long as they are alive, to achieve greatness and make a positive impact on this world.

Mr. C. Shy

You Being Black and Male Have the Right...

Trayvon Martin Vigil at Forzano Park, Miramar, Florida in March  2012
On the night the verdict was read to George Zimmerman and the world, the court of Sanford, Florida in Seminole county sent a message to every black male living in America.

Black men of American on July 13, 2013, we the court, send this warning to you that Stand your Ground in the state of Florida has been and always will be a law with you in mind.

You being black and a male have the right to go to a convenient store, and purchase Skittles and Ice tea. You being black and a male have the right to leave that store. You being black and a male have the right to be followed by a stranger on your way home.

You being black and a male have the right to be racially profiled by that stranger. You being black and a male have the right to be questioned by that stranger. You being black and a male have the right to be killed by that stranger. You being black and a male have the right after your death to a speedy trial. You being black and a male have the right to be cast as the aggressor and not the victim.

You being black and a male have the right for your past to be brought up during the trial. You being black and a male have the right for your murderer to be acquitted of all charges that lead to your death.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Second Time Around

I know this post is late in reference to the 2012 election. But nevertheless we all know that the first black president has been given a second term to move this country forward. The will of the people weighed out the big money spenders who spent money on the Romney campaign. During the campaign I told my wife that Mr. Romney has been so toxic that I hope this will be the last time he will ever run for president of the United States. America has made the right decision in their choice as to who would lead this country. I do believe that we are going to see a major move with respect to the president's agenda, in which he has the backing of 62,616,535 people who voted for him. I strongly suggest to the Republican controlled house to understand what the mandate is and see into the future that they cannot operate as they did in the last four years of obstructionism.  

Congratulation President Obama for being a man of integrity and speaking on behalf of all Americans and not just a marginalized group of people.

Monday, November 5, 2012


   One more day and the world will know who will be the next President of the United States.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


   Time is winding down.  We have two days before election day. Get out and vote. Be sure to remind your family and friends to get out and vote. Show the nay sayers  that the black voter will no longer be manipulated by lies and trickery.

Saturday, November 3, 2012



     There are only three days left before one of these men will be President of the United States. Regardless of the difficulties you may face in casting your vote, every vote counts, and you must make it your duty to cast your vote.  So I appeal to every black male who is of voting age to cast your vote because in doing so you are saying to those who have count you out that you will not be silenced by lies and trickery. We as Americans can say that we are fortunate to live in a country where we the people decide the future of our nation. God bless you and the United States! Go Vote!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Rodney King 20 Years Later

   The photos are images of a man before and after an experience that changed his life forever. Rodney King couldn’t have known that on March 3, 1991 he would be beaten within inches of his life by officers of the LAPD.

   This month marks Twenty years since the police beating of Rodney King.  On March 3, 1991 officer of the LAPD officers used their batons striking Rodney King over 56 times. A Log Angeles citizen videotaped the beating and gave it to a local television station. The station played the tape in its entirety. What would have been a small fire eventually became a forest fire. The videotaped beating spread all across America as well as internationally. Four officers were later charged with use of excessive force. In 1992 the four officers, (Koon, Powell, Briseno and Wind), went to trial.  

   On April 29, 1992 many people here in America as well as people in other countries who had seen the videotaped beating waited to hear what the verdict would be. The verdict finally came down; three of the officers were acquitted. The jury could decided on the forth officers so the trial ended in a hung jury. Many people in Los Angeles were outraged at the verdict and began rioting. People started fires throughout the city, businesses were looted, and some people resulted to violence against others. When the smoke cleared, there were “53 deaths, 2,383 injuries, more than 7,000 fires, damages to 3,100 businesses and nearly $1 billion in financial losses.”1

   Here we are twenty years later as many people have looked back to March 29, 1992. We all should remember where we were the moment the verdict was read and how we felt. Rodney King has since recovered from the beating although some of his injuries were so severe that there will be lifelong affects. Rodney King has since written a book titled “The Riot Within: My Journey from Rebellion to Redemption.”