Thursday, April 19, 2012

They Celebrated Freedom

A note in history. On this day in April 1866.

 "On April 19, 1866, the African American citizens of Washington D.C. celebrated the abolition of slavery. 4,000 to 5,000 people assembled to the White House addressed by Andrew Johnson. Led by two black regiments the spectators, and the procession proceeded up the Pennsylvania Avenue to Franklin Square for religious services and speeched by prominiet politicians. The sign on top of the platform read: "We have recieved our civil rights. Give us the right of suffrage and the work is done."


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A black man is "statistically more likely to do you harm than a white man."

     One of the leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention said this, “A black man is "statistically more likely to do you harm than a white man." 

     The SBC oversees Southern Baptist Churches that are more rooted in Southern states. While Mr. Land was on his rant, he failed to mention his source of those "statistics." Maybe they polled southern white church members? Or maybe his statements stems from a deep seeded belief that Black men are more dangerous than white men? I’m just curious.

     His "Freedom of speech," or him speaking freely may cause a halt in the growth of black churches that have joined the SBC. While it is true that the SBC repented in 1995 for their involvement in slavery, I don't think they have yet earned the trust of those black churches to make statement like the above one about black men.)You can read the resolution by going to, . 

     Mr. Land's words may be the case of another angry "old" white man. Or maybe there is some validity of what he has said about black men? As a black man and as a Christian I find his words toxic.

      As a Christian I am for all believers getting along and walking in unity. No we are not going to agree on everything, but there are some basic principles that the body of Christ should and do share. Christ himself was against injustice. The crowd of men who wanted to stone, the woman, they were the lynch mob of Jesus' time. No doubt up until that point, the men had probably stoned a woman before. I did take notice that the men did not have man or men she had committed adultery with there to stone him or them. Jesus is no longer here, but we are.

     Racial harmony should be modeled by the church as a whole, especially among black and white believers. Knowing that this country is still dealing with the affects of slavery, is more reason that the church has to be vigilant in modeling unity. When a "Christian" leader makes incendiary statements about black men, he should be challenged by the church. Mr. Land's stereotypical statement about black men should have been an offense to all of us black men, saved or not. And just because I as Christian and a black man challenges Mr. Land does not mean that I'm against white people. Mr. Land cannot convince me that Jesus would endorse him saying. “A black man is "statistically more likely to do you harm than a white man." Especially when history has proven otherwise. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Wake up!

South Dakota has an estimated population of 824,000. There are currently an estimated 840,000 black men in prison, state and federal combined. I am very concerned about the prison numbers, because it affects the future of the black male therefore inevitably affecting the whole of the black race. My statement here is not about the validity of the offense the men committed. It is more about black people and what are we going to do to secure a future for those little black boys who right now are just toddlers and adolescents and yet they are unaware of the crisis they face? It has been estimated that any black male child that was born in 2001, will more likely go through the justice system at some point in his life.

There are people and organizations that have made it their mission to save the whale, to protect dogs and cats. Those same organizations are spending millions of dollars each year to ensure that animals are not abused or mistreated. I’m in no way suggesting that animals should not be protected. Those little black boys who must be protected also.

If black people are thinking that the government should step in and do something about the future of the black male, then I have to say that we are really being naïve. If we who are black do not get a handle on our problem, then we basically are forfeiting a future.

So I reintroduce to you Extinction: The Black Male. (I will discuss this more detail in the future). But for the moment, I stand, like Dap in school daze, ringing the bell in the early morning hours, while hollering, 

“Wake up!”